Herb Grilled Fish


2 cleaned red snapper (1 1/2 lb.)
1 t. Mansmith’s Fish & Seafood Seasoning
1 lemon, sliced thin
fresh thyme sprigs
fresh peeled garlic, sliced


Rinse fish and pat dry. Cut three slits on each side of each fish. Sprinkle inside cavity with Mansmith’s Fish & Seafood Seasoning. Stuff inside with lemon slices, thyme, and garlic. Grill fish six inches from heat (medium to medium-low heat), covered, for about 10-12 minutes. Turn carefully. Grill for another 15 minutes. Serve with dipping sauce made of 1/2 C. Mansmith’s Barbecue Paste, 1/3 C. lemon juice, and 2 T. tequila. WOW !

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