Good news for community groups, schools, sports teams or any organization.

You can raise money for a special event, trip or needed equipment by participating in a Mansmith’s Seasoning Fund Raiser. The fund raiser offers lots of choices, 12 seasoning flavor varieties in 3 sizes. Plus our famous BBQ Paste. Something for everyone. Great cooks and people who like to eat love these products, so it’s an easy sell for your group.
It’s really very simple. Just call 1-800 MANSMITH (1.800.626.7648) to get your free fund raising packet which includes: product information, a sample order form, fund raising agreement and credit card information sheet.
guarantee your success
In order to maximize your efforts and guarantee that you meet your fund raising goals, organizers should consider requiring minimum orders (number of items sold or a specific dollar amount from each participant).
For example:
30 students selling $50.00 each will earn $495.00.
50 students selling $75.00 each will earn $1,237.50.
100 students selling $50.00 each in product will earn $1,650.00
Imagine what your whole school can do! You decide how much you want to earn and set your requirements accordingly.

It's Easy, Fun and Profitable!
the basics:

- Fill out the Fundraising agreement and credit card information sheet.
- Get your order forms and sales sheets and distribute them to your group members.
- Your group sells to their friends, neighbors and family.
- Turn in your sales using the master sales sheet along with a cashiers check for the cost of the product. You keep your share, up to 33%, of the money received.
- We ship the product for you to distribute to your friends.
Please call 1-800 MANSMITH or contact us here for details.
We can design a program to fit your fundraising goals.